Lame place-holder ...

... one day there will be a kick-ass web site here

But for the time being, here's a picture of me in my PJ's. This was taken at Canyonlands National Park in Southern Utah.  Canyonlands is one of the most awesome places I've ever been to. I'm in my PJ's because my friend, Olgica, and I woke up at dawn so we could see the sun rise over the canyons formed by the confluence of the Green and the Colorado rivers. We got some good photos when there was enough light, but you just have to see it in person to believe it.

On June 24th, 2000 I packed my little Mazda Protege with camping gear, a camera, lot of film, and a small duffel bag of clothing, and set out on westbound I-90. I had an idea of what I wanted to see, I had people I wanted to visit, but I had nothing approaching an itinerary. My first stop was going to be Minneapolis/St Paul, where I was going to visit my good friend, Sara. I reasoned that the rest would either come to me, or I'd turn back. I did eventually turn back. I returned to Chicago on Labor Day, September 4th, 2000. 73 days. 13,000 miles. A few dozen rolls of film.

It will take me a while yet to transcribe my journal and notes into HTML and to provide an interesting context for my many rolls of pictures. But if you're in a "clicking" mood and have the bandwidth and an afternoon to waste, go right to the images:
Midwest and Rocky Mountains
Zion and Bryce Canyon National Parks, in Southern Utah
Canyonlands and Arches National Parks, in Southern Utah

Thanks for visiting!